Inflatable Games Inspection

  1. IntroductionAfter considerable negotiations between the PIPA Leadership Group and the Health and Safety Executive, agreementhas been reached on how PIPA can expand its scope to include all land-based inflatables that currently fall outside ofthe current standard BS EN 14960 (all parts).
  2. Why have PIPA requested this expansion?Most Inspection Bodies already inspect inflatable play equipment that falls outside the scope of the standard, BS EN14960 (all parts), and issue their own Inspection Reports. Whilst this has been seen by many as acceptable in orderfor operators to comply with the Health and Safety At Work Act (HASAWA) and the Provision and Use of WorkEquipment Regulations (PUWER) should anything go wrong PIPA would not be in a position to support the InspectionBody as a result, due to our current remit.The Health and Safety Executive recognise this leaves many in the industry with a ‘grey area’ which sits betweenPIPA and ADIPS. The discussions and proposals are designed to close this and protect PIPA Inspection Bodies andOperators.In order to offer full support to Inspection Bodies, PIPA and the Health and Safety Executive must be confident in thecompetency of individual Inspectors to carry out inspections of land-based inflatables that fall outside of the scopeof BS EN 14960 (all parts).This will have to involve an element of continued professional development and training in order to achieve therequirements of the Health and Safety Executive.
  3. How will competency be proven?PIPA Leadership Group has identified various categories of inflatable games which can be divided by risk category:• non-ride on – inflatables where users ARE NOT required to sit, stand or touch when in general use -examples include, Basketball Shoot, Football Shooters, Inflatable Darts etc• ride on – inflatables where users ARE required to sit, stand or touch when in general use - examples includeBungee Run, Gladiator Duel, Pillow Bash etc• electromechanical – inflatables that contain a mechanical device as well as an inflatable element – examplesinclude Bucking Bronco, Surf Simulator, Wipeout etcPIPA have agreed with the Health and Safety Executive that various levels of inspector will need to be created toallow Inspectors a steady progression to achieve a level of competency that can be supported by PIPA and the Healthand Safety Executive.


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Nr Newcastle Emlyn,
Carmarthenshire, Wales.

Phone: 07967 955773

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